Have a beautiful day!
Have a beautiful day!
Have a beautiful day!
Have a beautiful day!
Full AoR with Addendum to Kim's AoR_Redacted 3_Redacted (pdf)
DownloadAoR proof of service (pdf)
DownloadAddendum to Kim's AoR (pdf)
DownloadKim Jurat certificate - Judgement of unrebutted affidavit (pdf)
DownloadContents of Coroners (pdf)
DownloadAlison Hewitt Notice of EoL autographed (jpg)
DownloadInkedAlison Hewitt Notice of EoL autographed (jpg)
DownloadProof of delivery Alison Hewitt (jpeg)
DownloadAndrew Walker Coroner's Notice.docx_Redacted (pdf)
DownloadAndrew Walker Notice of EoL Autographed (jpg)
DownloadProof of delivery Andrew Walker (jpeg)
DownloadInkedInkedKim's EoL affidavit autographed to Thomas Teague (jpg)
DownloadThomas Teague Coroner's Notice_Redacted (pdf)
DownloadKim's EoL Notice autographed Thomas Teague (jpg)
DownloadProof of Delivery Thomas Teague (jpeg)
DownloadKim's Declaration of Right to Self-Determination (pdf)
DownloadKim's Right to Self determination Jurat Certificate (pdf)
DownloadKim Final Deed of Reconveyance_Redacted (pdf)
DownloadInkedKim's Jurat Certificate Deed of Reconveyance redacted (jpg)
DownloadKim's autographed Deed of Reconveyance (jpg)
DownloadKim Affidavit and Claim of Non-Corporate Status_Redacted (pdf)
DownloadKim's affidavit of Non-Corporate Status autographed (jpg)
DownloadAffidavit of non-corporate status Page 3 out of 5 (jpg)
DownloadKim's affidavit of Non-Corporate Status autographed p4 of 5 (jpg)
DownloadJurat Certificate Affidavit of non-corporate status (pdf)
DownloadWitnesses to AoR (jpg)
Downloadp 2of 3 Right to self determination autographed (jpg)
DownloadKim's Formal Challenge and affidavit Challenging the Twelve Presumptions of Law (docx)
DownloadNotary Jurat Certificate for rebuttal of 12 presumptions of Law (jpg)
DownloadInked Notice of existence of a Trust (jpg)
DownloadInked witness signatures or existence of a Trust (jpg)
DownloadInked witness signatures for Property list held in Trust (jpg)
DownloadSigned Affidavit and Assertory oath of acceptacnce of Trusteship.docx. (jpg)
Downloadwitness signatures assertory Truth and Acceptance of Trusteeship (JPG)